- Effective:
- 2025-02-28T10:39:00-06:00
- Expires:
- 2025-02-28T18:45:00-06:00
- Certainty:
- Likely
- Event:
- Red Flag Warning
- Type:
- Update
- Severity:
- Severe
- Urgency:
- Expected
- Areas:
- Randolph; Calhoun; Jersey; Madison; St. Clair; Monroe; Knox; Lewis; Shelby; Marion; Monroe; Ralls; Pike; Boone; Audrain; Moniteau; Cole; Osage; Callaway; Montgomery; Lincoln; Gasconade; Warren; St. Charles; Franklin; St. Louis; St. Louis City; Jefferson; Crawford; Washington; St. Francois; Ste. Genevieve; Dent; Iron; Madison; Reynolds
* AFFECTED AREA...In Illinois, Fire Weather Zones 079, 098, 099,
100, 101 and 102. In Missouri, Fire Weather Zones 018, 019,
026, 027, 034, 035, 036, 041, 042, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051,
052, 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 072, 073, 074, 075,
083, 084, 085 and 099.
* TIMING...From 10 AM this morning until 8PM this evening.
* WINDS...West 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph.
* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 15 to 20 percent.
* IMPACTS...These conditions are conducive for the rapid spread
and growth of uncontrolled wildfires.
Instruction: A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions
are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of
strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels can contribute
to extreme fire behavior.